Awareness and information
2 aug. 2018

The project particularly aims to increase the level of information, education and awareness among the stakeholders about the importance and the role of the two protected natural areas, also highlighting the concept of local sustainable development: viable economic development, environment protection and maintaining / achieving the objectives of favorable conservation of the species and habitats of community interest.

For this purpose, 3 awareness and public consultation meetings will be organized on the theme of updating the Management Plan for the protected natural areas ROSCI0023 Cascada Mişina and the nature reserve 2.818 Cascada Mişina, according to current legislation. These public meetings will include members of local communities and NGOs for environmental protection, representatives of local public administration, landowners, administrators / business community, as well as representatives of local and regional public institutions.

Therefore, the added value of the planned actions within the project consists of three aspects: revising the Management Plan (which will include the set of conservation measures for species and habitats), building a participatory structure (by involving authorities, NGOs and research institutes) to ensure efficient management of the protected natural areas and, equally important, increasing the level of information and awareness regarding the natural value of the protected natural areas and the benefits that can be obtained according to the status of Natura 2000 site.

The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or of the Government of Romania.
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